
Review: Soulmates by Elizabeth Chandler

Kissed by an Angel
by Elizabeth Chandler

published September 1st 1995
Ivy, Tristan, Gregory and Will


Details from Goodreads:
After her boyfriend dies, Ivy thinks she's lost everything--until she discovers Tristan is her guardian angel. His mission is to stop the person who killed him from killing Ivy. Together, Tristan and Ivy must stop the killer. But if Tristan rescues Ivy, his mission will be finished, and he must leave the earth and his true love behind forever.


As result of her mother's new marriage, Ivy and her brother Philip are forced to move to the biggest house in Stonehill, with all the wants and needs of life. She had to adjust to a new school halfway through the year, make new friends, and deal with a new, and creepy, if I might add, stepbrother, Gregory. Her true and strong belief in angles, her love for piano, and her cat, Bella, were all she had left of her real home. One the first day of school, Ivy learned about one thing, Tristan. He fell head over heals for her at first sight. It took time but when she was forced to give up her cat to a trusting home, witch ended up being Tristans, Ivy started liking him back. She trusted him so much that she put away her fear and let him teach her to swim. Over the months, Ivy and Tristan grew close. Their relationship ended abruptly with sixty-five miles per hour, cut breaks, and a deer one hundred feet away. Tristans death was tragic, and it left Ivy alive and feeling alone with no one and nothing, not even her angles, left to lean on. But he didn't leave. Tristan became a lovely creature with wings. After his death he wondered around Stonehill with his new, also an angle, friend, Lacy. Both of them are working on their missions, a job sent from the big guy in the sky that they have to finish before leaving earth. In order to finish his mission, Tristan found a way to creep into people's minds and use their abilities, such as righting or drawing to send messages to Ivy. The only problem was Ivy didn't know it was him, and would get angry with her friends who were being controlled by Tristan. Tristans death wasn't the only death that year, it lead to a series of unfortunate events. Four other deaths and one attack, and one attempt at murder took place that dreadful year. All of the "accidents" some how had a relationship to Ivy, which is kind of creepy. Every guess about who the murderer was would be as far off as Tokyo, Japan is to New York, USA. Until one day, and a beautiful day at that, it smacked her right in the face. Ivy finally realized that this whole time she had been so close to the murderer, so in danger of getting hurt, so stupid not to realize that she pushed things a little too far!

Kissed By An Angle is a good read for all of you who jump into the mysteries, murders, and somewhat magical events, kind of book. The book sucked me in, I felt like I was standing there right next to Ivy helping her decide weather to jump off the tracks, or risk sprinting twenty feet from the rushing train. The way the book is written also helps with the story. Elizabeth Chandler switches from Ivy's to Tristan's point of view, narrated by a distant voice. I think she had some fun with this book, somehow she new that I would read it and, latterly, start yelling at Ivy for how stupid and innocent she was written to be. Although I blame it as the reason that I didn't have my room on time, I give this great, exciting, and obnoxious book a four star out of five. The plus four for good writing style, and great story plot.

I absolutaly love this book. I could not put it down once I began reading it. It is not only a teen romance novel but it is also a mystery. It is full of twists that will make you never want to put it down. This book was very well written.

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